Monday, December 7, 2009

D-Day Remembered

December 7, 1941; a day that will live in infamy. 

I just listened to a recording of FDR announcing to the country that the U.S. had been attacked the previous day and declaring war on the Japanese Empire.  First and foremost, we must always remember those who served, defended and died that day.  We must always be grateful for them and their sacrifice, not only those who served and died on December 7, 1941, but those who served, defended, and died throughout WWII, and everyone who has served, defended, and died since then. 


What struck me while I was listening to that recording of FDR is the resolve with which the United States undertook the war and the tasks at hand.  There were NO half measures.  We did what was necessary to win the war. 

Contrast that with what is going on now with the war in Afghanistan.  Mr. Obama had to make a half-measured compromise with Gen. McChrystal's request for troops in order to appease the far left liberals and their cacophony calling for the immediate withdrawal from both Iraq and Afghanistan.  I'm praying it doesn't end up like this, but anyone old enough to remember Vietnam will recall the result of the bureaucrat's half measures in that war. 

Enough of that.  Today, let's remember those brave men & women who fought and died on this day 68 years ago, as well as all those who have served from then to now.

Thank you to all our servicemen & women.  We owe you a huge debt of gratitude.

An Average Guy

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